Every article should kick off with a bang to pull readers in and keep them hooked. When crafting feature stories for your website, start strong. Your introduction needs enough words to tell readers what they’re about to dive into. Plus, you must make the subject so intriguing that they’re eager to jump into the story, hungry to learn more.
Let’s explore seven awesome tips for writing an introduction that makes your feature stories and web content stand out.

- Craft a compelling introduction to grab and hold the reader’s attention.
- Use intriguing facts, vivid descriptions, and thought-provoking questions to make openings stand out.
- Tailor your approach to the audience’s interests and needs, ensuring the introduction encourages further reading.
- Tie your introduction to the article’s content, providing a seamless transition that maintains reader interest.
- Experiment with techniques and measure their impact, then refine the content so that it captivates and engages readers.
Begin your feature stories with a strong and effective introduction
When people surf the internet, they get drawn in by catchy titles, cool pictures, and the names of well-known writers. If something catches their eye, they’ll quickly check out the first few lines of an article to see if it’s interesting. You have about eight seconds to grab their attention before they click away to another site.
The internet is like a giant library. If your intro doesn’t cut it, readers have a world of options at their fingertips.
That first paragraph is super important. It’s your chance to hook your audience and get them to stick around. Make sure your opening is exciting and fun and speaks directly to what they’re interested in. Your mission is to make them want to keep reading. A strong start means you’re halfway to winning them over.
Remember, “Well begun is half done,” especially when writing articles for the web.

A well-written introduction can be used as a starting point to quickly and easily put together the social media descriptions and metadata for your web content.
What makes an introduction strong?
When you start a feature story, think of the beginning as a special and crucial slice of the whole story. This part, usually one or two short paragraphs, lays out the big ideas or themes you’ll dive into. It’s your chance to showcase the main point, describe what you aim to achieve, or give a snapshot of what the story’s about.
Imagine you’re setting the stage with a conversation, a moment, a cool example, or a quick summary. This opening bit should do more than introduce the topic. It should leave a clear, lasting image in your readers’ minds.
This intro isn’t a separate island. It must blend smoothly into the rest of your story. You don’t want your readers to hit a speed bump when moving from the introduction to the main part of your article. The shift should be so smooth that they hardly notice it.
Don’t get stuck polishing the intro until it’s overblown. The size of your opening should match how big a deal your topic is and the length of your content. Plus, your introduction isn’t a flashy sign meant to grab eyeballs. It should genuinely lead to the heart of your story.
7 ways to begin a feature article
The introduction to your blog posts and feature stories convinces visitors to read the entire article. When you hold their attention to the end of the article, they’ll explore the other stories you wrote.
Seven types of beginnings win over audiences. One or a combination of these types is sure to attract them. Become familiar with each kind of beginning and choose the best introduction style for the type of feature story you’re writing.
Give readers the facts and nothing but the facts
Have you noticed how the first paragraph of a news story tells you everything you need to know? Newspapers have used this trick forever.
When you’re writing something, put the must-know details at the beginning. This way, you answer the big questions like Who? What? When? Where? Why? and How? right off the bat. It’s like giving your readers a mini-version of the story so that they get the scoop without digging for it.
When you start your article, use a special word or phrase that’s the main focus of your story. This keyword helps your readers catch on quickly to what you’re talking about. It also helps search engines, like Google, understand your article better. It’s like leaving a trail of breadcrumbs for the internet to follow, leading right to your story.
Making your main keyword the star of your first sentence makes it easier for search engines to find your article and show it to more people.
Tell a story that builds suspense and intrigue
Ever wonder how to make your writing engaging? Kick things off with a story! A catchy story snags your audience’s interest and lays out the main point of your article in a way that’s easy to get. It’s like using a favorite story to explain a complicated idea.
If you’re sharing something from your life, begin with a short intro that sets the scene. Share a bit about who you are and what the story is about. This part is like the opening scene of a movie, where you get a glimpse of the main character and their world.
You can make your writing pop by tossing in conversations or funny stories. Imagine starting with a bit of dialogue or a quick tale that shows, rather than tells, what you’re all about. It’s like inviting your readers to chat over coffee.
Want to keep your readers hooked? Throw in a dash of mystery or suspense. Use words that paint a picture, making your story jump off the page. It’s all about keeping your readers guessing and wanting to read on to find out what happens next.
Use your words to paint pictures of people and places
Starting a story by painting a picture of who’s in it, where it’s happening, and what the scene looks like grabs readers’ attention. This way of kicking things off makes the story fun to dive into. Think about adding a bit of mystery or a twist by talking about something but not giving away its name right away.
You can also bring a scene to life by tapping into all the senses. Describe what’s being heard, smelled, tasted, and felt to pull your readers into the story. Mix these descriptions to make your readers feel like they’re there with you. Use words that create images in their minds, mimic sounds, or express strong feelings. It’s like using the magic of words to paint a vivid picture or compose a piece of music with your writing.
When choosing your words, keep them simple yet powerful. This simplicity makes it easy for readers to get what you’re saying and imagine the story unfolding in their minds. It’s all about suggesting a whole world with a few well-chosen words rather than bogging down your readers with too much detail.
Spark readers’ curiosity with a striking statement
Starting your article with an interesting fact or a surprising statement is like using a secret code to keep people reading. Imagine opening a book and seeing something so cool or off the wall that you have to find out more. That’s what you’re aiming for. It’s like telling a friend a secret that makes them lean in closer, not wanting to miss a word.
Instead of throwing big numbers at your readers that might make their heads spin, compare those giant numbers to something they see every day. If you’re talking about the number of stars in the sky, say it’s like every person on Earth has their own little pile of stars. It makes big numbers feel friendly and interesting.
Saying something is the “first-ever” or “the only one in the world” is also a way to grab someone’s attention. People love knowing about unique and special things because it makes them feel like they’re in on a secret.
Predicting the future can be a fun way to start your article. Telling readers about an awesome invention that’s coming or a big change that will happen can make them curious. But don’t go overboard. Only promise flying cars by next year if you’re sure it will happen.
Using creative language, like an unusual comparison or a fun play on words, can make your readers curious. It’s like saying, “The sky cried diamonds,” instead of saying it rained. It paints a picture in their mind that they want to explore more.
And then there’s the paradox. This statement doesn’t make sense at first, but it makes you stop and think. It’s tricky. If you get it right, it’s like a puzzle your readers want to solve.
Your opening sentence should be exciting and interesting, but don’t go wild with it. You’re not trying to write the next big sci-fi movie. You want your readers to stick around. So, keep it cool, and keep it real. Only promise them the moon if you’re giving them a spaceship to get there.
Catch the readers’ eyes with a quotation
Using quotes or other formatting, like a poem, ad, letter, menu, or sign, gets someone’s attention when they’re reading. But make sure the quote ties into what you’re talking about. If the quote has an off-the-wall or unique idea, it’ll make people want to read more.
You can pull these quotes from all sorts of places. It could be a line from a favorite song, something someone famous said, or something from a book, report, or an ad you saw. Starting your story with a piece of a newspaper article, an ad, a menu, or a snippet from a legal document can make your opening pop.
The key is to pick a quote that means something big. It can be the main event of your opening and might take up the first paragraph. If it’s a longer quote, use the next paragraph to dive into what it means and why it’s important. This way, you’re not just throwing a quote out there. You’re using it to set the stage for everything that comes next.

Quotes should look different than the body of the article and be set apart to give the quote prominence. Learn how to format pull quotes so that the text has the best chance of catching the readers’ attention.
Start with a thought-provoking riddle
Think of every question as a mini-mystery your readers can’t wait to solve. Starting your article with a question is like dangling a mystery in front of them. It makes them super curious and eager to find out what answer you have up your sleeve.
Rhetorical questions are like making a statement, but they have a question-mark vibe that hooks people. For example, asking, “Do you know why the sky is blue?” grabs attention better than stating, “Few people know why the sky is blue.”
The direct question makes your readers pause and think. The indirect one might not make as big of a splash. If you don’t want to start with a big bang, the indirect question still gets your readers’ brains buzzing.
Don’t stick with one question. Throw a few more into the mix. Explore different parts of your topic or rephrase your main question in a couple of ways. It’s like giving your readers a bunch of mini-mysteries to ponder.
If you have a long question, break it down into smaller ones to make it easier for readers to digest. You can spotlight each question by putting it in its own paragraph. This way, every question gets its moment to shine, and it pulls your readers deeper into the mystery you’re setting up.
Make it personal between you and the reader
Starting with a direct chat with your reader is a great way to kick off your article. It’s like having a one-on-one conversation with them, even though you’re reaching out to tons of people. Using words like “you” and “yours” makes it feel like a personal chat, not like a broad broadcast.
Using action words, or what’s called “imperative verbs,” is a powerful way to talk to your readers. It’s like saying, “Do this” or “Don’t do that,” which grabs attention right away.
Be careful not to overdo it, especially when giving advice or tips, because it can feel bossy. That doesn’t mean you should shy away from starting your article with a clear, direct command every now and then.
It’s all about making your readers feel like you’re speaking only to them, guiding them through your thoughts or advice step by step.
Unlock the art of the start
Your journey toward crafting captivating openings for your articles and feature stories has just begun. From leveraging the power of a strong introduction to employing strategies like storytelling, surprising statements, impactful quotes, and intriguing questions, you explored how each approach enhances reader engagement. These methods grab attention and set the tone for your content, ensuring readers are motivated to delve deeper into your narrative.
The goal is to catch the eye and hold the audience’s curiosity. It should encourage them to explore your content further. As you apply these seven strategies, consider the needs and interests of your readers to choose the most effective way to begin your stories. Whether you aim to inform, entertain, or inspire, a well-crafted introduction is your first step toward creating a memorable connection with your audience.
Experiment with these techniques in your future writing projects. Your articles will be more appealing, and you’ll enrich the experience for your readers. They’ll feel compelled to learn more and engage with your content.
Along with writing a strong introduction for your feature stories and blog posts, write descriptive headings and titles. When your introduction and headings accurately summarize the content, it’s easy for your audience to skim the article and find out what they’ll gain by reading the story.